Yehuda Hero Setiawan


About me

Hi, for those of you wondering who am I? what are my advantages? and what career am i pursuing? let on this occasion I will explain it. I am YEHUDA HERO SETIAWAN and I am a fresh graduate of SMK majoring in Software Engineering (RPL).

I like technology and passionate about coding and programming, and have good skills in logical and structural thinking, which can help me in solving challenging problems. I really enjoy working in a team to create innovative and quality results. Then have great responsibility and detail oriented, which is what convinced me to become a Programmer!

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HTML CSS Javascript PHP CodeIgniter Bootestrap GIT Materialize MySQL JQuery GitHub


Website Ecommerce Sendal sepatu

Website Ecommerce

Website Evooting SMK BPM

Website Evooting

Website Evooting SMK BPM

Personal Website

You can download my CV! Curriculum Vitae Tunjuk